If you've made a purchase on Lulu and need to cancel it within the first hour, follow these steps to cancel your order, whether it's a Guest order or one placed through your account!

One-Hour Cancelation Period

Please be aware that once an order is sent to the printer, we cannot make changes to the interior or cover files, book specifications, shipping address, shipping method, or quantity, or cancel it. We have a one-hour cancellation period for each print-on-demand order, but at the end of this one-hour period, the file is sent to the printer and cannot be canceled.

Canceling Within Your Account

If you need to cancel an order placed in a Lulu account within the one-hour period, it may be done from within your account.

To cancel an order:

  1. Log into your Lulu.com account.
  2. Click on My Account > My Orders.
  3. Locate the order.
  4. Click on View Details.
  5. If the cancellation period has not expired, you will see a link to Cancel Order at the bottom right of the screen. 
  6. Click this link.
  7. Confirm by clicking Yes.

Canceling a Guest Order

If you need to cancel an order that was placed as a Guest, within the one-hour period, please contact Support